Panama’s weakeness: education and productivity

IF PANAMA is to achieve continued economic growth, the country must develop a modern and efficient educational system say leading business bodies.

In a presentation by Apediana Economic Charter of the Panamanian Association of Business Executives (APEDA), René Luciani, from the Economic Advisory Council Apede, explained that in the case of the education system, it is linked to the country's economic development, and work must be done on training top professionals reports CentralAmericanData

Felipe Argote, from Apede's Economic Advisory Council said Panama should work on improving school buildings in order for them to be accessible to all residents, which means building more schools.
The speakers said that business owners are not able to find qualified personnel, which results in a need to import foreign labor. According to Luciani not only should productivity gains be distributed among enclave sectors, but productivity should also be boosted in sectors which generate employment.