Martinelli in Portugal as hospital walk out threatens

THE PREVIOUSLY unannounced four day visit to Portugal by President Ricardo Martinelli is a mystery no more.

On Monday the president arrived in Lisbon to meet with President Aníbal Cavaco Silva and senior officials of the government.

Martinelli is being accompanied by First Lady Marta Linares de Martinelli. He will also hold a meeting with Portuguese businessmen interested in investing in Panama.
Currently, Panama and Portugal maintain diplomatic and trade relationships.
Among the agreements already approved between the two countries is the suppression of visas for Panamanian citizens travelling to Portugal and a double taxation treaty.
Also traveling with the president are Minister of Foreign Affairs Fernando Núñez Fábrega; the Ambassador of Panama in Portugal Federico Richa Humbert and Deputy Director of Foreign Policy Fabián Jiménez.
Back at home representatives of medical groups are demanding the president's intervention to avoid a walk out on Thursday, August 1, as negotiations with the Minister of Health have broken down.