Panama GM corn fed chickens heading to the menu

STARTING IN September, 25 farmers in Herrera and Los Santos will begin planting Panama’s first GM corn and soon after chickens fed with corn could be in restaurants and stores

The Melo company has received approval for the first GMO seeds grown and has imported 2,500 transgenic corn bags to be distributed in 2,350 hectares of crop area. That is, approximately 10% of the national corn crop.

However, says La Prensa this corn will not be used for direct human consumption as the commission of the Food Biosecurity Plan gave gave Melo approval for corn specifically for animal consumption.
A discussion forum was held this weelk with the participation of proponents and opponents of the GM crop. The main concern of the opponents is that in Panama, GM products are not properly labeled.
While countries like China and Kazakhstan are attached to the list of the 64 countries that require all GMO products to be properly labeled, in Panama GMO labeling is not specified by law.

Thus, say opponents the Panamanian consumer has no choice whether or not GM is brought to the table. Ursula Kiener, vice president of the agricultural commission of the Panamanian Association of Business Executives, considers it necessary to develop national-level-a campaign to inform people about what are the GM.
The United States, Brazil and Argentina lead the ranking of producing transgenic or genetically modified foods.
Welcome Pereira, plant protection manager Melo Group, said that these seeds more effectively combat pests and "to make economic analysis is extremely profitable to the farmer, both for performance and protection against insects".
Jacqueline Bedke, biochemistry and organic producer, said that the evils most significant impact is on the environment and small farmers. And, in his presentation, a question still unanswered: "Why when everyone is pulling transgenic seeds out of their countries, has Panama decided to open the doors?".