Bloody Friday at Ombusdmans office 9 fired one quit

ON HIS SECOND day as head of Panama’s Ombudsman’s, office Javier Mitil issued marching orders to nine staffers who were part of the Patria Portugal team.

Javier Mitil

Portugal has been suspended from office while the Attorney General's investigates her for alleged embezzlement.

The dismissals, on Friday, July 26 came said Mitil, because these public servants knowingly participated in the processes for consultancies hired by Portugal in 2012.
 Mitil also announced the departure of three more officials who were declared sick and could not be notified.
This had happened with Mitil himself, when he was dismissed by Portugal on July 8 but he filed a long disability and could not be reached.
This is the second time in the last two years that the head of the Ombudsman office fired several officials on the same day.
In April 2011, after less than a week in office Portugal sacked seven staff members for allegedly failing to meet job expectations. LAYOFFS
The dismissals ordered by Mitil on Friday July 27 were Rosa Hernandez, director of citizen services center from April 2011; Basilia Hernandez, director of international relations since April 2011; Leila Hassan, head buyer from October 2011; Denisse Chambonett, Managing Director from April 2011; Hilda Cordova, coordinator of regional offices from October 2012 and Jorge González, head of planning since June 2012. They were all appointed during the administration of Portugal.
Meanwhile, Anette Solis, head of human resources since October 2006; Herald Ledezma, director of specialized units from April 2011 and Teófila Vargas, director of computing since May 2011, declared medically unfit.
Mitil said the general secretary, Eduardo Lopez, appointed in April, 2011, submitted his resignation letter on Monday.
"I think we should wait for the final results, because there are open cases in the National Assembly and the Court. Until there is a judgment or administrative decision, no action should be taken," said Charles Lee, president of the Citizens Alliance for Justice.
On Friday, the National Executive Committee of the Democratic Revolutionary Party issued a statement that he had instructed his caucus in the Assembly to abstain in the vote to oust Portugal, if the comptroller, Gioconda de Bianchini did not attend the plenary to explain why she did not challenge the contracts issued by Portugal.
President, Ricardo Martinelli, said the work of Portugal as Ombudsman was "important".
He also  justified the expenses of the head of the institution, which included a $3000 sofa and a car for $87,000.

"Verily, those are not many luxuries compared to the rest of society in general, and the government itself," he said on FOX.
The Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court set for next Tuesday, at 3:30 pm, the hearing of the appeal to the precautionary measures imposed on Portugal by the investigating judge, Jose Ayu Prado, after admitting the charges of embezzlement in awarding a consulting contract for $ 250,000 to Imaginarium Studio, SA
A day earlier, Portugal will appear a second time, at the National Assembly ,this time before the members of the Credentials Committee.