Popular Party VP to support PRD presidential hopeful

THE SEEMINGLY endless musical chairs, and party hopping  associated with Panama’s political scene is speeding up  with elections less than a year away.

Not all of the Popular Party (PP) members are happy with the recent decision to ally with the Panamenistas to fight the Martinelli led Democratic Change (CD).

It brought about the resignation of Javier Lopez, vice president of the party and on Sunday June 15 The second vice president, Anibal Culiolis told Prensa.com you that he will support the presidential candidacy of PRD leader Juan Carlos Navarro.
"I have said that I will support Mr. Juan Carlos Navarro. As a person and a citizen I have every right to do so, "he said.
As to whether or not to resign the vice presidency of the PP, headed by Milton Henriquez, that's a decision he will announced in the coming days.
The PP will decide the alliance with the Panamenista Party on June 23 at an Extraordinary Congress.