Police detain TV journalist working on wiretap story

A TV JOURNALIST and cameraman were detained by police on Tuesday, June 11 while working on a story at the Security Council headquarters in Ancón.

Elizabeth González of TVN channel 2 reported via Twitter: "I am still detained and they have threatened to charge me," she wrote. "I have been detained with my cameraman by agents of the Institutional Protection Service. Agent wants access to the camera and the recording. I refused." The cameraman also used Twitter to announce their predicament , They were released after two hours but  Meanwhile, another Filemon Medina, secretary of the Union of Journalists of Panama, who arrived at the security site was also detained and while the authorities also took away his cell phone. 

Syria Miranda, news coordinator of TVN, reported that González and a cameraman were reporting on a story about alleged government wiretaps.
These recordings were made outside the building and not within the Security Council said Miranda.
Miranda said the video will not be turned over to the authorities because they have no grounds for demanding it.