Canal authority urges caution for Nicaraguan canal

 Alarm bells are beginning to tinkle in Panama at the prospect of a rival canal in Nicaragua, capable of passing bigger ships from one ocean to the other in a shorter time.

A canal through Nicaragua is an "ambitious project", which should be analyzed carefully to prevent ecological damage, said the Panama Canal Authority (ACP), at a Monday June 10 press conference.

 Deputy Administrator Manuel Benitez said "Environmental experts recommend great caution and an environmental impact analysis to determine if it really is viable."
Currently, a legislative committee of the Nicaraguan Congress is doing a fast track study on the feasibility of building a deep-water canal between the Atlantic and Pacific, proposed by the Chinese company HK Nicaragua Canal Development Investment Co., Limited.
Benitez said the competition to the Panamanian waterway, would be analyzed at the time. But he added that should be noted that Panama has "experience and is a proven path"