19 strokes of the pen for $4.4 million illegal purchase

THE PURCHASE  of 110 Ford  vehicles valued at $4.4 million by Panama’s National Police was authoized although the purchasing officer had signing rights for only $250,000.

Relying on an agreement that was drafted between Justice Minister Jose Raul Mulino, and the National Police during the administration of Police Chief Gustavo Perez – today a government Vice-Minister – orders worth multi millions of dollars were issued for direct purchases of military boots, uniforms, safety equipment and Ford brand vehicles.

The acquisitions were made through the National Assistance Program (PAN), then led by Giacomo Tamburrelli, who signed with Perez a 'cooperation agreement "to shopwithout competition.” Says  a La Prensa report.
As part of that agreement, Perez managed to evade the application of the Public Procurement Act and directly purchase in December 2011, one hundred and ten Fords valued at more than $ 4.4 million through 19 orders dated the same day.
Each order was below the $ 250,000, limit which Perez was authorized to sign on Mulino instructions given by a decision issued on February 15, 2011.
Mulino refused to speak with La Prensa about the agreements but documents provided to the newspaper by the institution show that once the minister became aware of the deal he told Tamburelli he was "not conforming to the rules adopted by this ministry …" even though the agreement had the green light from the Comptroller General, headed by Gioconda de Bianchini, a former Martinelli employee. 
According to ex comptroller Alvin Weeden, this fractionalizing of an amount exceeding $ 250,000 is a crime that you think should be investigated by the Public Prosecutor .
The division of orders is contained in Law 22 of 2006.
A clash between Perez while serving as police chief, and Mulino led to the minister’s “irrevocable” resignation which he later rescinded.
Tamburrelli took indefinite leave as secretary of the ruling CD party after investigations for embezzlement while heading PAN. https://www.newsroompanama.com/panama/5166-indefinite-leave-for-cd-secretary-facing-embezzlement-allegations.html