Customers owe $58 million to garbage authority

RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS shopping areas and even state institutions owe a total of $58 million dollars to Panama’s garbage authority (AAUD).

The information was given by Yolanda Pineda, AAUD’s head of marketing, to "Residential customers owed $50 million, while commercial customers owe $7 million."

To this must be added the fact that seven state institutions [Mortgage Bank, Ministry of Health, MoH Hazardous Waste, National Authority of Land Management, Ministry of Agriculture, National Plant Protection Measure and Authority Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises] owe a million
The sectors with the highest arrears are:Juan Diaz ($ 6.5 million), Las Cumbres ($6.4 million), El Chorrillo ($5.5 million), Tocumen ($5.1 million) and Pedregal ($4.8 million).
These are the same sectors where there is low frequency of collection trucks, picking up excess waste in the streets, better known as "pataconcitos".
Minister of Economy and Finance, Frank De Lima, recently attributed the problem persists in the frequency of garbage collection in the capital city to " a cultural problem" of citizenship.
"Citizens must also do their part and not throwing the trash outside their homes for someone to like the AAUD to come and pick it up " Lima stressed. statements made this week.
Pineda urged AAUD customers to reduce their debt by making payment arrangements. He warned that the AAUD, is taking action against those who do not cancel your debt.
Freezing bank accounts and other measures are some of the actions that are being implemented, specifically for commercial customers, said the official.