Mayoralty hopeful out of race claiming second smear campaign

BOBBY VELÁSQUEZ, PRD pre-candidate for the Mayoralty of Panama is out of the race before it has begun, the victim, for the second time,  of what he calls a smear campaign.

On Tuesday, May 28 he announced he was stepping aside following the release of a recording on YouTube, which he accused the government of promoting.The voice allegedly ordered someone to injure one of his opponents.

 He described the posting as "Illegal and slanderous … and a smear campaign has been prepared against me and my family” But he said he assumed responsibility for what happened.
"Beyond the falseness and truthfulness of the recording today I assume responsibility for any errors I may have made and I apologize." He said that has endured attacks and slander twice.
In the last mayoralty race, while clearly leading in the polls a false rumor was spread alleging he had received funds from convicted fraudster David Murcia Guzman, now in a US jail after being convicted on money laundering charges.Murcia has a 32 year sentence waiting for him in Colombia.
After the rumor Velasquez plummeted in the polls and Panama got Bosco Vallarino as mayor. Later. It was revealed that the political donations made by Murcia were to the Martinelli presidential campaign.
Velasquez did not answer whether or not it was his voice on the alleged recording. His decision comes after a meeting with the National Executive Committee of the party.
The recording that caused a stir on the social network was announced onFriday, May 24, by President Ricardo Martinelli, who wrote on his Twitter account: "There is a very compromising recording of a PRD Mayoral candidate …No to violence”. Velasquez Initially cataloged the recording as a" commotion "and part of a smear campaign against him.

According to La Prensa sources in the heirachy of the PRD, secretary general and presidential candidate, Juan Carlos Navarro, asked Velasquez to renounce his political aspirations.
Navarro, said that after analyzing the information . "I will not tolerate this type of conduct."