Metro Bus services staggers on as $39 million spent on parking lots

"Patient" passengers

 WHILE Panama’s Metro Bus system moves forward by stops and starts towards the long promised efficient service, and passengers are asked to be patient,39 million has been spent on three bus parking lots.

On Friday, May 24 Roberto Moreno, director of the transit authority (ATTT), attemptwe the spending of $39 million on three parking areas for Metro buses. Moreno said that the areas include offices and workshops.

The government spent $13 million on the garage in Ojo de Agua, in the District of San Miguelito, which was the product of an extraordinary credit approved by the National Assembly in 2012.
It later spent $12 million on a garage in La Doña, in 24 de Diciembre, and $14 million on the garage in Chepo, in Las Cumbres.