A helping hand for Santo Tomas Hospital

A MOBILE  monitoring  machine has been working round the clock with critical care patients in the Internal Medicine Department  at Santo Tomas Hospital since it was delivered earlier this year.

The unit was donated with funds raised by by the CanadaPLUS Club at last December's Carols by Candlelight/Luces de Navidad  concert.

Pictured are: (l to r) Dra Nuvia Batista, Dra Dacsaris Almengor and the department head, Dr Diogenes Arjona.

A cash donation was also made to Hogar Malamabo.

CanadaPLUS hopes to enlarge its gifts to both recipients after the next concert which will take place on Saturday December 7, with an enlarged cast including a visiting choir from Canada. For more information  contact  clubcanadaplus@gmail .com or carolspanama@gmail.com