Mayors bus rescue hits road block as blame game continues

HANDING out a $250,000 no bid contract to provide free buses for 10 days in Panama may have sounded like a good idea at the time but now “serious questions” are being raised.

They come not from those who have called the move “politicking” or a placebo but from The Comptroller General of the Republic,
The deal,with Interbus, SA created by Mayor Roxana Mendez. was supposed to put the free bus service on the streets on Monday April 15. The day before a spokesman for the mayor said that there was a slight hiccup as the deal had to be approved by the comptroller but, he said, the approval which normally can take up to three months would be completed by the end of the day on Monday and the buses would start at 4 am on Tuesday.
Instead of approval the Comptoller issued a press release, saying that "there are serious questions about hiring buses and the proposed routes."
It also questioned the responsibility of the Mi Bus company provided a service to the users of public transportation through a contract with the Panamanian government.
In this situation, the Comptroller reported making a comprehensive assessment of the contract that would allow the Municipality of Panama buy bus services in the capital, for a total of $ 250 000.
The release said that the institution will take the time necessary to carry out appropriate consultations, in order to safeguard the interests of the Panamanian State.
The statement did not mention the irregularities found.
In this regard, the president of the Council of Panama, Javier Ortega, was surprised, because "it is assumed that the mayor and had everything tied up with various state sectors."
For Ortega was a surprise that the Comptroller took this action with a project of the ruling party. The mayor believes that there have been more controversial situations this and the regulator has shown no interest.

"I wish this were always the attitude of the Comptroller on all projects
But this is not the only anomaly being investigated as a result of this contract. Says La Prensa. The Legal Department of the Authority (ATTT) continued research the participation of one of its officers, Broce Yaginska Gomez, who is the resident agent of the Interbus, SA company offering a free service alongside fare charging Metro buses..
In the meantime the Mi Bus company appeared Monday before the Transportation Commission of the National Assembly to explain worseningdeficiencies in the transportation system since March 15.
The managing director of Mi Bus, Ivan Posada said that theyare still making adjustments to the system, and the proof is that there are "substantial changes" compared to March 15, with 1,200 buses in place according to the contract.
Posada blamed the ATTT, the Ministry of Public Works and the Sonda company which provides us access cards for the crisis in transportation systems.
He said that the ATTT must provide two major parkingsites : one in Albrook and another in Santa Librada, San Miguelito district.
So far there are five courtyards, but the contract sets out seven.
In Albrook the parking lot is only temporary because the Reverted Community Federation objected and maintained that the installation of a Metro Bus parking lot adjacent to the Albrook bridge was dangerous because there are high voltage cables, and other devices under the bridge.
He said the government should move forward in formalizing internal or feeder routes to see if they need low-capacity vehicles.
Nicolas Brea The Secretary General ATTT, has said it would acquire 50 smaller buses paid by the company, But MI Bus says the authority should
Posada also said the Metro Bus system requires implementing lanes, stops and install pay zones. Those responsible for these structures would be the Ministry of Public Works, the ATTT and the Ministry of the Presidency.
He also noted that the company Sonda, financial manager of the Metro Bus, should improve the collection system when users reload their boarding cards in the metropolitan area.
“The financial management system needs improvement, although it is already running. One would be a station near the stops and the implementation of automatic transmissions."
Daniel Guerra, manager of Sonda, said authorities agreed with the establishment of 11 new temporary box offices which would cover 75% of the charges, estimated War.
However, two weeks ago ATTT director, Roberto Moreno, said Sonda should set up the 1,000 charging points ordered in the contract, otherwise they would would be sanctioned.
Mi Bus insists that once they have integrated all the elements that are pending, then the effectiveness of the new transport system. Can be managed.

When the commission addressed the number of buses on routes, Mi Bus said that "the routes are authorized by the ATTT".
"As stated in the contract, 1,200 buses will be running in the capital, until next December when they reach 36 units will be added.”
After receiving the responses of Mi Bus, the Commission president Marcos Gonzalez, said that a report will be issued next week.
“We also recommend that other companies can participate legally in the constituted transport activity, because it appears that the company can not provide the service alone.