Hydroelectric project overrides indigenous protests

MORE  indigenous protests and confrontations in Panama seem to be on the horizon following a statement by Minister of Government Jorge Ricardo Fábrega.

He reiterated on Wednesday, April 17 that work on the hydroelectric project in Barro Blanco, on the Tabasarí River, will not be halted despite threats by Comarca Ngabe-Bugle residents.
"The expertise of the United Nations is what we are going to go by, and that is what we signed an agreement to last year," he said.
Fábrega said that the agreement said the project will be reviewed by the UN to determine if it needs to be modified.
He said that the general population will reject any protests because "the Panamanian people have witnessed that the government has fulfilled its obligations and abided by the agreement."
Indigenous leaders have demanded the work be halted or they will call for protests.