11,000 baby turtles hatched in artificial nursery

OVER 11,000 turtles have been born in two artificial nurseries belonging to an an environmental group in Panama’s , Tonosí district.

The environmental group Cambutal Tortu-Agro campaigns for the conservation of about five species of the turtles.

In some areas of Panama turtle eggs are raided annually and sold.

According to the group's report, hatchling green turtle species and lora were born in two nurserieson artificial beaches located on the Cuchilla and Cambutal beaches in the Tonosí district, where the reproduction of both species is protected.
The project for the conservation of marine turtles has received $25,000 in UN funds. It is organized by Cambutal Tortu-Agro, the Aquatic Resources Authority of Panama (ARAP) and the National Environmental Authority (ANAM).
It seeks to protect and conserve five species of sea turtles that come to this area located within the reserve where mining and sand extraction are prohibited.
La Chuchilla beach, is located in the village of Cambutal, Tonosí district, where several species of turtles, come to spawn including the green turtle, olive ridley and occasionally the hawksbill.