Sanctions against Metro Bus to continue – Martinelli

While his political ally, Panama Mayor Roxana Mendez was rallying the city council to help solve the Metro transit problems, President Ricardo Martinelli Announced that sanctions against Metro Bus operator Mi Bus will continue.

He said that the fines will not be ended until the company resolves problems with service that have led to numerous complaints from users. He made the statements on Friday, April 5 after attending the funeral for El Chorillo community leader Maria Carter.
The president said that service "has improved" but acknowledged that much remains to be done.
"In all the countries of the world where a modern transportation system has been implemented, it has taken time to develop, but I can say that it has improved a lot," said Martinelli.
On March 26, the ATTT imposed a fine of $1,148 on Mi Bus for poor service.
If the situation is not fixed, the company could lose its concession says La Prensa..