One in eight of Panama newborns not recognized by father

An average of eight children are born every hour in Panama, and one of them will not be recognized by the father.

Data from Panama’s Electoral Court Civil Registry djows that in the last three years 225,522 news Panamanians came into the world of whom 26,064 have only the mother's maiden name says an extensive report in La Prensa.

Many of the cases were registered in Panama, Chiriquí and Bocas del Toro. While the provinces of Los Santos and Herrera are the places where newborns have the best chance of both parents attaching their surnames.
Ivan Guerra, director of Civil Registry, said that ideally both parents recognize their children, but otherwise the legal status of children should be formalized as soon as possible
A number of organizations, associations of human rights defenders and the Church are concerned about parental irresponsibility, resulting in the child losing legal rights and a dignified name.