Metro Bus operators get slap on wrist

The operators of Panama’s Metro Bus service have been hit with a fine of a little over $1,100 for not providing frequency of service.

Minister of the Presidency Roberto Henríquez said Wednesday, March 27 that Metro Bus operator Mi Bus will continue to be fined until service improves reports La Prensa
"The government repeatedly asked Mi Bus if it was ready to take over the routes, and the company responded it could deliver," said Henríquez.
He said that the company was fined because it had not complied with the contract it has with the government outlining the frequency of service.
The contract establishes that a bus should be available every 15 to 20 minutes on certain routes.
The company has argued that traffic congestion has impacted its ability to keep to these schedules, but the minister said that improvements are needed.
Roberto Moreno, director of transit agency ATTT which oversees the Metro Bus system, said that the fine imposed ($1,148)  is "strong enough." Moreno underscored that it is the first time that this penalty has been imposed.