Panama MET set for global finals of imagination event

A team of 3rd-5th grade elementary students from the Metropolitan School of Panama won first place in a competition of the innovative program, Destination Imagination held in Bogotá, Colombia  March 5 

This is the first time that the MET has competed in this challenging event, participating along with 33 other teams from three countries in the region.

The MET will advance to participate in the Global Finals in Knoxville, Tennessee where they will compete with 1,100 teams from 13 countries.
Destination ImaginNation, Inc. is a nonprofit organization leader in teaching the creative process from imagination to innovation. Through various challenges, the program incorporates academics (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and the arts. Students learn to solve problems by collaborating with their team members, acquiring respect for the ideas of others and learning to persevere and develop their competitive ethics says a press release.