St Patrick’s Day: the greening of Panama

By Dylis Jones

You won’t need to be reminded that the upcoming Sunday, March 17 is St Patrick’s Day, or that across the world folks are preparing to chant the mantra that on that day, everyone is Irish.

Panama hasn’t been left out and if you click on the What’ On button at the top of the page you will be able to check out details of many of the celebratory offerings Because Paddy’s day is on a Sunday, some locations have extended the day to include the whole weekend, starting on Friday the 15th, while at the other end of the scale one function, claiming that “You don’t drink enough on other holidays” plans to party away until 3 am on the 18th. Panama’s productivity could take a tumble on Monday, and the breathalyzers could be working overtime.
As might be expected. Panama’s closest to a true Irish pub, Paddy Mick’s at the City of Knowledge, kicks off the saintly celebrations first. It is Irish owned and staffed, and those in the know claim the food as well as the Guinness is the genuine thing. They start Friday night off with the Vox Rock and Roll band at 8pm. The band is scheduled for another event after 10pm at the Hanger 18 . You’ll find more on the three day Paddy  Mick's marathon in “What’s on”
In Panama city Rincón Alemán on Calle 51, in Bella Vista will be the epicenter of the St. Patrick's Day celebration beginning at noon on Sunday he 17th. .
Fritz Schmutte, proprietor of the German bar, reports that the tradition of an Irish celebration in a German locale began when the Irish community was looking for a place to celebrate their National Saint's Day in Panama. “We had a reservation for 30 people and 300 showed up – the rest is history!”
This year Paddy Fritz is offering special Irish stew (with a lot of Guinness), green beer and a drink special that can't be beat: $7 for a Guinness and an Irish whiskey. For details call 6674-7777 or 264-0590.

The last on my list of places for the wearin’ o’ the green” this weekend is the YEP St Patty’s Day BBQ Bash at Barlovento Terrace, in Casco Viejo starting at 4pm. My editor, who has Irish ancestry says a patty is a small pie, but that’s a detail that will likely be overlooked at the event, advertised as going on until 3 am at the newly opened Barlovento Terrace in Casco Viejo. It’s just across the road from the very French Crepe Bretagne and around the corner from the newly refurbished Teatro Amador. This is a younger crowd event (Young Expats) with staying power. Check What’s On for more info.

Whichever event you decide to attend, be sure to have a dedicated driver aboard. He'll survive nicely on Irish Stew.