Common front against Martinelli mooted

Milton Henrí¬quez, president of the Partido Popular (PP), said he has not ruled out forming an alliance to create a common front against President Ricardo Martinelli.
He talked of the possibility of uniting the PRD and Panameñista parties for the 2014 election.
He made that statement at the Belisario Porras School on Sunday, March 10 where he arrived as an observer of the PRD presidential primary.
He said that "there could be an alliance between the PP and PRD but the ideal alliance would be among the three parties, including the Panameñista Party."
In this regard, he added that an alliance with any party depends on assessing various elements, including nominations, future government positions and above all a common vision of the country.
He said he has had talks "with many sectors to set up a common front against Martinelli."