$6 million funneled to one government deputy from assistance fund

The government has transferred at least $6 million under the “heading" National Assistance Program exclusively for Democratic Change Deputy Marylín Vallarino.

That money, according to the deputy, says La Prensa, has been invested in the Foundation for the Integral Development of Women and Family (Fundader), she created over a decade ago to empower women, and now presided over one of his daughters.

"Yes, more has been given to members of government that the opposition". Says the Minister of Economy and Finance(MEF) Frank De Lima, on the distribution of the amounts allocated by the executive members of the Assembly.
De Lima justified it by saying it is a common practice in all administrations and denied that the MEF should monitor the use of these funds. "The Comptroller is the sanctioning body," he said. La Prensa has been publishing a series of investigations alleging that massive funds have ben distributed to deputies without accountability or fiscal control.