Former electoral judge warns of dirty 2014 campaign

FORMER Electoral Tribunal (TE) Judge Gerardo Solís said Wednesday, February 6 that it is not a surprise that the ruling Cambio Democrático (CD) party has failed to sign the electoral ethics pact.

The pact is being promoted by the Catholic Church but, according to Solís, CD members are repeating what they did in the election campaign of 2009, when they also failed to sign the pact.
"They are being consistent. They are not being hypocrites," Solís said.
According to Solis, the CD now has the power to unleash a dirty campaign, and can also use state resources to perform "filthy" attacks. He also said the party could unleash a wave of attacks and then sign the pact later, when the damage has been done.
He urged citizens to be aware of what will happen during the election campaign in 2014.
La Estrella reported recently that Mark Klugmann, the man who worked on the George W Bush election campaigns and described as the maestro of dirty tricks, had met with Ricardo Martinelli and Jimmy Papadimitriu during the last campaign, when allegations were published of millions of dollars being handed to Balbian Herrera the PRD presidential candidate and mayoral candidates. Bobby Velasquez by convicted pyramid con man David Guzman The allegations later turned out to be false, and after the election is was revealed that Guzman has made a substantial donation to the Martinelli campaign.