More fast food heading to Panama

Panama is facing a rush of new investment in fast food franchises, driven by the population’s increased purchasing power.

Capital .com says the companies Franquicias Panameñas, S.A., KFC and Pizza Hut are to invest $7.5 million in the construction of new stores and the refurbishment of several existing ones.

Meanwhile, the McDonald's chain has among its immediate goals the construction of two complete branches in Arraiján, in the western sector of the metropolitan region. The first of these is in its final stage of construction and is located in the town of Arraiján, while the second will be located in the parking section of the Westland Mall shopping center, where the company already has a space in the food court". The pizza chain Leonardo's, plans to open new stores in the interior, said its owner Solomon Sharki.

Capital .com attributes the invasion to The population’s increased purchasing power and the economic dynamism are driving new investments by major fast food chains