Indigenous Anti-hydro protests lead to injuries and arrests

Farmers in the districts of La Mesa and Cañazo who clashed with riot police on Wednesday, said that more protests against a hydroelectric project in Veraguas are planned.


The farmers said that the protests will be held at the bridge over the San Pablo River.
The earlier clashes with riot police left several people injured and arrested. The protests are against the Las Cruces hydroelectric project.
Pablo Miranda, president of the Union of Indigenous People and Peasants of Veraguas, said that the group is not deterred by the actions of the police and said they will return to the streets. Five protesters and two police officers were injured.
Larisa Duarte, leader of the Peasant Movement for the Defense of the Cobre River, said that other protests are planned for Santa Fe and San Francisco. Duarte said that the government plans to build several projects in San Jose using water from the Gatu and Santa Maria rivers.
Deputy Police Commissioner Carlos Rumbo said that the agency will not allow any road closures.