Criminal complaint for media coverage of brokerage scandal

A criminal complaint launched against La Estrella by a government deputy is perceived as “intimidation” by many observers in Panama.

The complaint was  filed by  Naphtali Jaén, Democratic Change party member and former general secretary of the Public Ministry (MP), against "those responsible for the possible commission of an offense against the economic security '.

According to the complaint, the facts presented by Jaén are the publications on  December 20 by La Estrella. 'Unveil the bowels of Financial Pacific case' and 'Financial Pacific: Chain Fraud, Scams and Influences'. Also includes in the denunciation is La Prensa for a story on December 26.

The stories,says Estrella, are based on the statements of  an  ex-employee of Pacific Financial brokerage, Mayte Pellegrini, in her testimony and in which President Ricardo Martinelli is linked to an alleged stock market manipulation and insider trading of the company Petaquilla . The alleged crime, according to Jaén is: 'violation of article 260 of the Penal Code' which states that whoever discloses false information that endangers the national economy or public credit shall be punished with imprisonment of two to four years.
Carlos Barsallo, ex-Commissioner of Securities, said: "it is clear that they seek to intimidate, and incur legal costs and time for the media and journalists'.
The secretary general of the Union of Journalists Filemon Medina also sees the initiative as a way to silence the media investigations which, he said, are citizen complaints.
The Media Guild expressed support for journalists and media.