A new Christmas tradition sets down firm roots

By Dylis Jones
CHRISTMAS got an early welcome in Panama,  December 15, far from the jingle of cash registers and  shop-till-you-drop fever, with the second annual Carols by Candlelight concert.

Some 2000 candle bearing people, including hundreds of expats and the ambassadors of Britain, Canada and the United States packed into Plaza de Francia to participate in a festival of seasonal choral music with audience participation, backed up by ballet and modern dance and to witness the firm planting of a new Panama tradition. 

National Youth Orchestra

Performers ranged in age from five years old to “don’t bother to ask”, but all warmed the hearts of an audience happy to spend a few hours away from the world of consumerism and canned music.The event was organized by a tiny team from the CanadaPLUS Club who introduced the event to Panama in 2011, based upon a tradition born in Australia over 70 years ago.

The National Youth Orchestra conducted by Jorge Oliva provided the curtain raiser with a joyous medley of Christmas carols.

They were followed by a classic performance of extracts from Tchaikovsky’a Nutcracker ballet by Manuela Navarro and Solieh Samudio under the direction of Christina Quijano and Gloria Barrios.

The recently opened Panama Pacifico Academy provided the first choir and its understandably exited young members showed no signs of stage fright for their first public

Panama Pacifico Academy

 appearance, and ended their performance with a lively acted out rendition of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reinder.

Kings College, another new-on-the block-school in the City of Knowledge (but with a distinguished history in other 

countries) were next up, and although some of the choir were in the lowest grades, they too kept their cool and delighted  their supporting families,and the  audience.

Hogar Malambo

Hogar Malambo was not only one of the beneficiaries of this fund raising event, but also the provider of an outstanding choir of young residents of the home, all beautifully dressed in red or green polleras. They were directed by Professor Carlos Bernal.

Venezuela Encanto

The Venezuelan community continues to expand in Panama so it was not surprising to find a group, Venezuelan Encanto adding their own flavor to to the evening. They were led by Maestro Eduardo Guia, who demonstrated his mastery of the four stringed guitar.

Godspell, a choral team led and directed by Melanie Gilpin that spiced up the Theatre Guild of Ancon’s Christmas show provided an 


exciting change of pace with spectacular dance routines.

Cantus Panama under the direction of Kristin Saltonstall has become a welcome year round fixture in Panama giving its services freely to aid local charities and projects always adding its own musical creations to its program of well-loved favorites and, once again, they did not disappoint.
Cantus PanamaOpera Panama, led by its creator Irena Sylya once again added their professional polish to the event as it prepares for the challenge of the 2013 staging of Aida.
The award winning Coro Redencion conducted by Miriam Goddard presented the final selection of Christmas hymns and the grande finale, The First Noel. It was a spectacular closing to a spectacular evening MC'd by Christian Martinez and Maria Lourdes with Yasurri Rodrigues as stage manager and Lourdes Quijada producer.
Coro RedencionCoro Redencion will be performing again on December 29 with a free concert in Colegio Adventista Metropolitano in Carrasquilla, Calle 62. The event is free.
The reward for the organizers was the appreciation of the audience and the performers, and the ability to make donations or gifts to Hogar Malambo, Hospital Santo Tomas, Casa Katherine Brown The National  Ballet and the National Youth Orchestra.
Through the eyes of a childThey extend their thanks to the performers, a small core of volunteers including current workers of The American Peace Corps and to the companies and individuals who provided sponsorship including INAC, Panama Pacifico, HSBC, Copa Airlines, Minera Panama, Panama Pacifico Academy, Kings College, Newsroom Panama, The Visitor/Visitante,Le Meridien Hotel, Mary Goldfield and Gonzalo De La Guardia.
Plans are already well advanced for a repeat performance next year with a more accessible venue.

Happy Campers