Judicial credibility crisis

The crisis of credibility in Panama’s justice system continued to spread on Wednesday, December 19 with the Citizens Alliance questioning the appointment of Jose Ayu Prado both as a judge of the Supreme Court and Ana Belfon as  Attorney's General,

In a press release the group said: "These appointments continued to deepen the crisis of credibility that is immersed in the administration of justice in Panama and thus the deterioration of democratic institutions in the country."
They noted that the appointments were made "without public consultation, ignoring the agreements of the State Pact for Justice and campaign promises, and ignoring the recommendations of international organizations that promote processes of selecting judges of the Court and Attorneys General ".
Opposition deputy, Jose Blandon, said the appointments e send a "very negative" messagefor the population.
In Blandon’s view , the government has decided to use the criminal justice "as a method of persecution."
He added that it is clear that the appointment of Ayu Prado follows the "favors" that he made for the executive during his tenure as Attorney Generalr, whether filing causes that did not suit the president Ricardo Martinelli or lifting processes against the accused. Blandon stressed that the designation of Belfon is still more "worrisome" because she was a prosecutor during the military regime of Manuel Antonio Noriega and "played one of the starring roles of persecution against civilists" .
"She was the one sent to arrest Miguel Antonio Bernal and opened a file against Guillermo Sanchez Borbon [columnist for La Prensa]," he said.
Union leader  Mariano Mena said Ayu Prado was personally sued for violating human rights, and has "no moral authority" to be a judge of the Court.
Ex Supreme Court judge Emerald Troitiño said the Government had an opportunity to appoint a person who would provide reassurance to the public. She said that the widespread concern of the population is whether the judge will maintain his independence from the executive.