Firefighter dialogue date set as hunger strike continues

The three firefighters who remain on hunger strike said they would continue their protest despite the agreement reached Saturday with the mediation of the Catholic Church

On strike are Cruz Gomez,, Gonzalo Cordoba and Raul Marshall . Lt Cruz Comez has been six days without food while Marshall, five and Córdoba, four.

The group said they will suspend the strike only after a consensus is reached on points two and three of the agreement, which refer to the reinstatement of Gomez , who was fired on Thursday, and no reprisals against firefighters who have protested by blocking Avenida Cuba with fire service vehicles..
The agreement was reached a at 2:00 am on Saturday, December 8, after a lengthy meeting brokered by the Catholic Church.
Members of the Fire Department of Panama (CBP) met with protesters after five days of protests and the
CBP In a statement said that an agreement was reached in the negotiations that took place in the headquarters on Avenida Cuba. The agreement was signed by the general director of CBP, Paul Tuñón Vejas, Captain Callender Cecilio and the vicar of the Archdiocese of Panama, Carlos A. Mejia. The agreement calls for a dialogue be initiated on Monday, December 10, at 10:00 am, In addition it was determined to deliberate the case of Lieutenant Cruz Gomez .