Firefighters block street to protest sacking

The dismissal of a firefighter on hunger strike, brought fire trucks onto Avenida Cuba on Thursday December 6, as protesting "bomberos" demanded the sacking of Fire Chief Paul Tunon.

They were protesting the dismissal of firefighter Cruz Gomez, and blocking the road outside the department's headquarters on Avenida Cuba.
 They blocked the street with a fire truck and other vehicles and said they would not disperse until president Ricardo Martinelli met with them.
Gomez was fired Thursday, December 6 after going on a hunger strike three days ago to protest the failure of the government to deliver promised pay increases. Two other firefighters also joined the hunger strike.
Gomez has been critical of the government's handling of the department for months.
Tuñón had claimed, that the raises will be put in place in two parts, one at the end of the year and the other next year.