Children’s candle parade in Casco Viejo

Over 100 children will participate  in a candlelight parade in Casco Antiguo on Wednesday  December 12 for the official lighting of the Christmas tree that will stand in Plaza de Francia for the Carols by Candlelight  concert on Saturday December 15.

A 50 piece marching band from El  Instituto  Bilingue Eliel will be followed by over 40 children from Hogar Malamabo, a children’s choir from Panama Pacifico Academy and local children from San Felipe.

They will start from Plaza Herrera at 6.30  pm  and walk to Plaza De Francia where the Canadian Ambassador, Sylvia Cesarotto  will switch on nearly 1500 lights on the four meter tree donated by the Canadian embassy and shipped to Panama from Quebec.

The lights and decorations were donated by  Minera Panama, a   Canadian owned company.

With the lights on, the choir will  sing some Christmas melodies, a curtain raiser to the Saturday event when there will be 10 performing groups including the National Ballet, Opera Panama and The National Youth  Orchestra.

The Mayor of Panama, Roxana Mendez, and the senior staff on Panama’s Cultural authority (INAC) have also been invited to participate in the ceremony.

Businesses and residents of Casco Antiguo will be decorating their buildings on the parade route.

Your purchase of an LED souvenir candle wiil help others.

Members of the public are invited to join the posada. LED  souvenir candles, will be on sale for use on the 12th and the 15th. There are two sizes available for a donation of $5 or $10, and purchasers are encouraged  to obtain extra candles to be distributed to less fortunate members of the community. The candles were donated by Panama Pacifico.

Free song books  for use on December 15 will be distributed, and spectators  will be able to  purchase tickets for a tombola for two return flights to Toronto, donated by Copa Airlines . A weekend hotel stay is also included . but you can stay in Canada's biggest most exciting city as long as you like. Tickets are $1 each or  12 for $10. The draw will take place at the concert on December 15.

The lighting and sound systems for the concert were donated by INAC and HSBC

Hogar Malambo is one of three groups destined to receive donations from the proceeds of the concert. The others are Santo Tomas Hospital and Casa Katherine Brown, a retirement  home for indigent Panamanians.

The December 15 concert is free, but you can get  a reserved seat for the two-and-ahalf hours performance for $10, or $15 on the day of the event. Orders of candles and/or seats and tombola tickets  totalling $30 or more  will be delivered to businesses or homes in  Panama City.

Seat and tombola tickets,  and candles, will be on sale at St Lukes Cathedral Christmas Fair on Sunday December 2, at an address on Calle 39 in Bella Vista every day, and at the Tree Lighting Ceremony, December 12, or you can call 6619-6890, 6634-7351 or email

Seating is  limited and with only two weeks to go it's a good idea to order now. Last year, seats were at a premium and this year over 50% have already been reserved.