Panama Mayor facing tough budget fight

The newly elected president of the Municipal Council of the city of Panama,  says the council will not easily approve the 2013 Panama City budget presented by Mayor Roxana Mendez.

Javier Ortega, Rio Abajo representative and a member of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD),  said on Tuesday, November 20: "None of the council will agree to reduce the budget that enables us to do our work," , adding the  opposition  has a majority vote on the City Council.

The budget proposal includes a reduction of $7 million in the items for work in the 21 community boards in the capital, which has upser local representative.

Ortega said that although many of the councilors are  members of the ruling party Democratic Change (CD),  many also oppose the budget.

"There are cases such as the government deputy Sergio Galvez, who is also the representative of El Chorillo,  who has said publicly that he will vote against this project," he said.

Ortega, who was elected today Tuesday, November 20, with 12 votes in favor, 1 against and 3 abstentions, will serve as chairman of the Municipal Council of the capital city for a period of six months from January 1 of 2013.

The mayor said her main goal during her term will be to achieve "harmony" between the Council and the Mayor.Mayor facing tough budget fight

The newly elected president of the Municipal Council of the city of Panama, Javier Ortega, representative or Rio Abajo and a member of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD)   says the council will not easily approve the 2013 Panama City budget presented by Mayor Roxana Mendez.

"None of the council will agree to reduce the budget that enables us to do our work," Ortega said, adding the  opposition  has a majority vote on the City Council.

The budget proposal includes a reduction of $7 million in the items for work in the 21 community boards in the capital, which has upser local representative.

Ortega said that although many of the councilors are  members of the ruling party Democratic Change (CD),  many also oppose the budget.

"There are cases such as the government deputy Sergio Galvez, who is also the representative of El Chorillo,  who has said publicly that he will vote against this project," he said.

Ortega, who was elected today Tuesday, November 20, with 12 votes in favor, 1 against and 3 abstentions, will serve as chairman of the Municipal Council of the capital city for a period of six months from January 1 of 2013.

The mayor said her main goal during her term will be to achieve "harmony" between the Council and the Mayor.