Tango to get your sensuality on track

By Dilys Jones

If you are into visceral, feelings (and who isn’t?) a Latin American bonding experience, known to most of us as “the tango”, is waiting to turn you on this week in Panama.

The organizers of Tango Night for All  Senses have waxed lyrical about the tango, and much of what their press release says is worth passing on:

“Have you heard a sextet playing tango with a pulsating intensity, while a pair of dancers moves graceful and elegant, their torsos well connected, while their legs intertwine walking elegantly  step by step? The musicians, the singer, the dancers and the public all bind to each other in exciting communication through the music of Argentine Tango . "Tango is one" in every way and for all senses ”

Couldn’t have said it better myself, although when I took tango lessons as a young navy girl, the intertwining legs never quite got to the elegant stage.

The history of Tango is fascinating, with many twists, (forgive the pun) and  is full of intriguing characters with  a  diverse international heritage.  It predates jazz  and originated in the immigrant neighborhoods of Buenos Aires in the late 19th century with  the  merging  of  many  types of music and dance styles. But the driving force behind the development of tango music has always been the dance. Although both aspects are entwined.  The flow of the dance patterns interact with sophisticated musical phrases, accents and silences inherent in tango music. Its  popularity continues to grow and after over 100 years the tango has not lost its passion.  

It stays intimate, passionate and human. If someone dances or plays tango in the street, people stop to watch and listen. The intimacy of the music and the passion in the embrace are immediate  eye stoppers.

 If you want to check it out for yourself and give your sensuality a night out, at the University of Panama

In an evening listed as Dance, Puppetry, Images & Surprises, Paisaxe and Tango Panama will present at GECU (University of Panama), a  high voltage concert of works of the most famous Tango Masters such as Carlos Gardel and Astor Piazzolla, performed by musicians Mar Alzamora (bass), Alexis Fong (clarinet), Carlos Alvarado (cello) , Oryana Racines (violin), Victor Villarreal (guitar), Juana Ramos (piano), and dancers Marcos A. Cedeño, Joanna R. Gomez, Davy Spriet and Hilde Tavernier.

addition, The Duo  "Guitarra    Vida" will begin the evening which also includes Tango-narrative acts with puppets by Luis Pecha of the Narrenorden Theatre, and the performance  will have artists as international as the nature of the Tango. So wake up those sensual feelings and book your seats.Pre-sale $ 12.00 and $ 6.00 (students).             Event date -> all $ 15.00

Tickets are on sale at restaurant Rayuela (Via Argentina, next to Arrocha Pharmacies; tel. 394-4903) and Hotel Magnolia Inn (Casco Viejo, on the corner of Street #8 and Boquete-street, behind the Cathedral) tel. 202-0872).

 Tango to get your sensuality on track