Crisis of confidence in Panama – Archbishop

Panama has is a crisis of confidence that has become a ubiquitous virus".said Archbishop José Domingo Ulloa.
He was speaking during the Te Deum (thanksgiving), held at the Metropolitan Cathedral as a prelude to the celebration of national holidays.
Ulloa, said the the task that the country has is to create a climate of openness instead of distrust of authority, of institutions, of good intentions and even the viability of the projects themselves.
"This same distrust puts stress on family life, pushes us away away from our neighbor and creates barriers between groups and sectors," said the head of the Catholic Church im Panama.
He said that, for this reason, the dialogue that "we need to resolve our disputes is interrupted, curtailed, overshadowed, and even f its feasibility and effectiveness to achieve consensual agreements, distrusted."
That mistrust robs people and institutions that represent the basic credibility upon which human relationships, covenants and laws are built.
In his view, to create a climate of trust the words must be endorsed with action and one of the remaining tasks is to improve the capacity for dialogue.
"All actors in a dialogue must first win the confidence to be successful," he said.
President, Ricardo Martinelli, reacted to the message arguing that all are guilty of distrust ".
On his decision not to go to Co;on he said he did not want to "cause a a confrontation, because we understand that there are outsiders, who have nothing to do with Colon s, who have been taken there to cause this problem"
Minister of Commerce, Ricardo Quijano, said Ulloa's words sent a profound message that confidence should prevail.
"You learn from mistakes and we will learn from a few things we have done, but not in the best way possible, and we will take into account the words of Monsignor and I hope the President does too," he said.
Meanwhile, the head of Social Development Guillermo Ferrufino, said is wrong, because there is confidence in local government and in its work
Security Minister, Jose Raul Mulinohat "this is only the view of the Reverend (Ulloa)".
Vice President, Juan Carlos Varela, asked Martinelli, to reflect and go to the city of Colon on November 5 for the festivities and said that the events in the Colon province should not be repeated at any other time in the history of the country.
Crisis of confidence in Panama – Archbishop
Panama has is a crisis of confidence that has become a ubiquitous virus".said Archbishop José Domingo Ulloa.
He was speaking during the Te Deum (thanksgiving), held at the Metropolitan Cathedral as a prelude to the celebration of national holidays.
Ulloa, said the the task that the country has is to create a climate of openness instead of distrust of authority, of institutions, of good intentions and even the viability of the projects themselves.
"This same distrust puts stress on family life, pushes us away away from our neighbor and creates barriers between groups and sectors," said the head of the Catholic Church in Panama.
He said that, for this reason, the dialogue that "we need to resolve our disputes is interrupted, and curtailed, and overshadows, even its feasibility and  itd  effectiveness to achieve consensual agreements is distrusted."
That mistrust, he said, robs people and institutions that represent the basic credibility upon which human relationships, covenants and laws are built.
In his view, to create a climate of trust the words must be endorsed with action and one of the remaining tasks is to improve the capacity for dialogue.
"All actors in a dialogue must first win the confidence to be successful," he said.
President, Ricardo Martinelli, reacted to the message arguing that all are guilty of distrust ".
On his decision not to go to Co;on he said he did not want to "cause a a confrontation, because we understand that there are outsiders, who have nothing to do with Colon s, who have been taken there to cause this problem"
Minister of Commerce, Ricardo Quijano, said Ulloa's words sent a profound message that confidence should prevail.
"You learn from mistakes and we will learn from a few things we have done, but not in the best way possible, and we will take into account the words of Monsignor and I hope the President does too," he said.
Meanwhile, the head of Social Development Guillermo Ferrufino, said is wrong, because there is confidence in local government and in its work
Security Minister, Jose Raul Mulinohat "this is only the view of the Reverend (Ulloa)".
Vice President, Juan Carlos Varela, asked Martinelli, to reflect and go to the city of Colon on November 5 for the festivities and said that the events in the Colon province should not be repeated at any other time in the history of the country.