Colon business leaders call strike to protest sale of Free Zone land

Colon city was calm on Saturday October 20 after Friday’s riots but city’s Chamber of Commerce has called for a 48 hour strike to protest the sale of state lands in the Free Zone.

A 9 year old was shot and killed during the riots but National Police Director Julio Moltó said that Colón is calm and police have controlled the situation and are taking steps to prevent further disturbances. "We are asking the population to make their demonstrations in a peaceful manner, and that they not encourage criminal activity," Moltó said.
 The police chief visited the four officers who were injured by gunfire from the rioters. He said they were stable
Police carried out raids in a building on Calle 13 looking for weapons and suspects in the shootings.
The riots were in response to the passage of a law that will allow the sale of lands in the Colón Free Zone. Today, the Colón Chamber of Commerce called for a 48-hour strike to oppose the measure.
 It was also critical of the demonstrators and the police for the damage caused during the riot as well as the injuries.
Carlos Baltazar, a judge and a member of the Frente Amplio de Colón, has called for a full investigation into the child’sdeath, and also asked President Ricardo Martinelli to veto the law.
Baltazar said the people of Colón have shown that they do not want the law, and he asked Martinelli to respect their wishes.
Martinelli has maintained his support for the law, saying it will ultimately benefit the community and the Free Zone.