Late news for a multiple choice weekend

Out and About with
Dylis Jones

This weekend is action packed, so much to do from wine-festing, Oktoberfesting to theater going and more.

 The sad thing is that the information I had on file for publishing early in the week just disappeared. Everyone I know seems to have had their computerhacked at some time or another, but so far I seem to have been exempted. Seeing a blank screen instead of three overloadedm Google  in-boxes is the cyberworld equivalent of coming home and finding your house ransacked.
It’s taken time, fortitude and energy to get back to near normal, so here, albeit late, is some of the information you would have liked to receive earlier.
The annual must-visit tasting festival, put on by Felipe Motta takes place at the Riu Hotel on Thursday and Friday, but if you haven’t made your way there by the time you read this, you are probably too late.
The same goes for the close of the Oktoberfest celebrations at Rincon Aleman, where mein host Fritz Schmutte has brought in a band from Austria, and will be watching the German ambassador, Hermann-Josef Sausen make the draw for a couple of round trip tickets to Frankfurt on Condor Airlines.
The third nearly missed item on my list is the Pulitzer Prize winning drama Rabbit Hole at the Theatre Guild of Ancon. It’s showing for the last two performances on Friday and Saturday at 8 pm, and there are still tickets available for the Saturday performance, The donation is $15.
I am off to cover two events and will spend much of the weekend making sure that you are up to date on what’s coming up for the next two months.
Two quick advance notes. Carols by Candlelight will be back in Casco Viejo on December 15 with an enhanced group of performers, and the International Film Festival will make its second appearance in April.