Panama cathedral to be restored with public funds

Panama’sMetropolitan Cathedral will be restored with public funds as part of the2013 commemoration of the discovery of the South Sea.
The announcement came Friday, September 5 from, National Institute Culture (INAC) director Maria Eugenia Herrera when she presentedo Archbishop Jose Domingo Ulloadocuments containing the results of the first efforts to rescue the Cathedral, part of the world heritage of mankind. "The restoration project will bring the cathedral back its true original intrinsic value” shedsaid.
The cathedral has a high gabled roof and two towers of inlaid pearl inlaid. Priests and laity had warned of the deterioration of the roof and walls of the temple. The German government helped to restore the wooden doors of the temple, which was consecrated in 1796, although construction work began in 1688.
Herrera noted that two years ago INAC undertook preliminary studies with the advice ofspecialized architect Rafael Tone, which resulted in the discovery of objects and figures, such as windows, crypts, images on the walls and corridors of the cathedral, of great historical value.