Seized business with high level contacts, returned

The seizure of a historic building in San Felipe, declared legal by the the Supreme Court, has been suspended by President Ricardo Martinelli.

The building, has been registered in favor of the National Institute of Culture (INAC), since 2007 but has been returned to Society and Investment Projects Casco Viejo, SA, by an order signed by Martinelli, and Minister of Education, Lucy Molinar.
The company is linked to Rodney Zelenka, who in the recent past was a client of current presidential spokesperson, Luis E. Camacho, and the deputy director of INAC Historical Heritage, Dioselina Stanziola says La Prensa,
The suspended expropriation decree signed by Martinelli and Molinar, said noted that Investment Projects Casco Viejo, SA will waive a claim for damages, "as a result of the expropriation" of the property, an action that was declared legal by the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court.
The company, which in the past used the property as a parking lot, now promises to run it as “an investment project".
In INAC reported that respect the decree signed by the President and the Minister.