Citizens told to take the lead in solving garbage mess

Panama’s seemingly endless garbage woes were tackled with two “ new” suggestions on Monday, October 1.
Health minister, Javier Diaz, calledl for citizens to participate in the reduction of litter to counteract the problem of garbage in the city. "We need a lot of citizen participation. We have to be aware of what is garbage," said Diaz, who announced that the Ministry of Health will intensify cleaning operations not only in the capital, but throughout the country.
The health minister urged Panamanians to save waste in an orderly by separating organic waste from plastics and aluminum products such as cans.
The same day the administrator of the urban garbage collection authority, Enrique Fernandez Ho, announced he is in talks with National Police agents who can impose fines on people who throw out trash in the evening in the capital city. According  to Fernandez Ho, the measure will  “prevent people littering in inappropriate places at night” says La Prensa.