A black dot conspiracy theory

Political party conventions usually have enough going on in the back rooms to satisfy all the conspiracy theorists watching TV, but with the ending of the Democratic and Republican show pieces, a new one is circulating the internet.

One US based reader has picket up on it and sent this message, accompanied by photos, to Newsroom.
“Did anyone else notice that the key speakers at the GOP Convention sported an American Flag lapel pin which had a visible black dot on the right field of stars and stripes? I have found several blogs speculating that this was some kind of security chip or hologram like the ones on your credit card which the Secret Service or other agency had placed on the pins, but there was no confirmation of that and nothing similar was on the DNC speakers.
“I am usually the ANTI conspiratorial theorist but could Karl Rove or some other GOP guru strategist have figured out that they could appeal to the overt AND covert racists in America by visually giving hours and hours of subliminal messages that 'Pres. Obama is a black blot on the heritage and future of the white founding fathers of the USA? ' "