Cinta Costera extension will not affect Casco heritage status – study

The Cinta Costera extension around Casco Viejo will not affect the heritage status of the old town says a report heading for UNESCO.

The National Institute of Culture (INAC) will deliver an impact study on the to the World Heritage Center of UNESCO on Thursday September 6
An official delegation, accompanied by some of the local experts who participated in developing the study left for Paris on Wednesday,
An INAC press release said that the National Heritage arm of INAC, "following the rules and laws governing the conservation of the national heritage," concluded the study on the attributes of outstanding universal value of the Old Town of the city of Panama and thereby gives "strict and complete compliance" with the provisions of the World Heritage Committee in Article 7 of Decision: 36 COM 7B.103 (page 143 ), issued in Session 36 ° , held from June 24 to July 6, 2012, in St. Petersburg, Russia.
According to the statement, a panel of three countries-was hired by National Heritage for comments on the project, which were incorporated into the study. The group was required to study the marine viaduct proposal.
Experts, adds the note, "concluded that the Cinta Costera III project, will not directly, or indirectly affect the attributes, values and criteria by which the Historic Old Town of Panama City was inscribed on the World Heritage list , and the outstanding universal value recognized by UNESCO for the inscription " .
The statements made by the group of experts says INAC, confirms what was stated in the certification of non-assignment of the direction issued by INAC Heritage on July 26 2012.
Official information states that the dynamics of work included conducting a meeting with the specialists who participated in drafting the document, were "expert advisors" to the World Heritage Committee from the Russian Federation, the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Republic of Algeria.