Changes in the air among Government ministers

More changes are coming to Panama’s ruling administration, following hot on the resignation of Minister of the Presidency, Demetrius Papadimetriu.

Minister of Health, Franklin Vergara, announced to his team on Thursday that he will quit the post after three years of being in government

Vergara's decision came just  four weeks after the Minister of the Presidency, “Jimmy” Papademitriu resigned claiming  "a personal matter."

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of the Presidency Maria Fabrega who earlier announced her resignation will be replaced by Sigrid Barragan, current secretary general of the National Environmental Authority (ANAM), according to sources at that institution.

President, Ricardo Martinelli, has appointed Romulo Roux, the current Minister of Canal Affairs, as the new Chancellor, sources said.

Currently Francisco Alvarez de Soto is the Foreign Minister, after Roberto Henriquez left the Foreign Ministry to take over the Ministry of the Presidency.

Franklin Vergara

Vergara, after several calls did not respond to messages said La Prensa.

 President, Ricardo Martinelli, plans to appoint  Romulo Roux, the current Minister of Canal Affairs, as the new Chancellor, sources said.

Currently , Francisco Alvarez de Soto is the Foreign Minister after Roberto Henriquez was moved to take over the Ministry of the Presidency.