Carolina and Martha complete first legs of subway construction

A lady  of vast proportions named Carolina arrived at Via Fernandez de Cordoba on Monday, August 6 at after a three month journey and will soon be on her way to meet another bulky worker, Martha. Together they will create a major part of Panama's metro subway.

Martha and Carolina are the names given to the TBMs (Tunnel Boring Machines) being used in the construction of Panama’s subway. They are destined to meet at the El Carmen church.

Martha arrived a week ago at Cinco de Mayo  after a more than six month dig which began at  Albrook on  January 23.

"Carolina",  got to the site of  a station, Via Fernandez de Cordoba after constructing a kilometer  long tunnel. 

The machine, which measures 9.77 meters in diameter and 100 meters long, broke the wall of the station from the north trench located in Plaza Agoraon on Transístmica

Agustin Arias,  director of Panama Metro Engineering, Carolina  will remain at the station for a few weeks for maintenance and will then head three kilometers to Via Espana, Via  Argentina and El Carmen Church.

Once there she and Martha  will be dismantled and brought to the surface in pieces and Panama’s traffic chaos will be a few steps nearer easing.