President rejects withdrawal of bill favoring ruling party

President, Ricardo Martinelli, and the president of the legislature, Sergio Galvez, have refused to withdraw draft changes to the Electoral Code from the National Assembly.

Sergio Galvez

“There will be no withdrawal  as recommended  by National Commission on Electoral Reforms (CNRE)" said Martinelli through media channels.

Meanwhile, Galvez accused the judges of the Electoral Court of intervening in the decisions of the state body. "The Electoral Court judges are exceeding their mandate," Galvez said, referring to the CNRE request to withdraw the bill from the Assembly.

Meanwhile, the presiding judge of the Electoral Tribunal, Gerardo Solis, warned that insisting on passing an electoral law can produce situations that would be regrettable.

Members of the CNRE requested withdrawal of the project, because deputies would be including  items to benefit the ruling party.