Call for Papadimitriu resignation over YouTube revelations

A video on YouTube could, be  the “smoking gun” in the Juan Hombrón free titling scandal, in which  the alleged  offenders, including  former Anati  director Anabel Villamonte were acquitted.

The judgment has been appealed.

Jimmy Papadimitriu and Ricardo Martinelli

The video is an alleged confession of  lawyer Raul Mata over the the irregular sale of  54.3 hectares of  land in Juan Hombrón. Mata mentions the names of high level government  officials circulating on the Internet including Minister of the Presidency, Demetrio Papadimitriu who, when the scandal first broke called a press conference to deny any family involvement. Later it was revealed that Villamonte had worked as a lawyer for the family. Mata claims that she visited  the  office of Papadimitriu mother every month to collect money to buy off local fishermen.

Mata said that Villamonte was working on behalf of high level people who should have been there for her when the story broke. The video also mentiona President Ricardo Martinelli as a purchaser of land through  the family lawyer

She is also facing trial in another titling case in Paitilla where  a Btesh family member, who was on a plane to Italy with Martinelli when the news appeared, was allegedly involved

Vice President, Juan Carlos Varela has called on President Ricardo Martinelli to explain the content of the video which links prominent citizens  to the acquisition  of beachfront land on the shores of Juan Hombrón, Cocle Province, awarded free of charge to 12 companies and two individuals .

Varela referred to the video as proof positive of the case, which was released through an investigation of La Prensa .

Varela said that  he had checked the veracity of the video content and demanded that  Martinelli's ask Papadimitriu, who is linked to this case in the recording, for his resignation.

"I'll tell you one thing. I have been amazed that this mess has gone on, why, I do not understand, if Jimmy was the one who bought it. If she worked for Jimmy, Anabel is a a huevada (bought person) says the person identified as Raul Mata in the video.

Varela also asked and   Papadimitriu and the  Panamanian leader to return the land in Juan Hombrón to the Panamanians