Thousands continue anti-government protests

Demonstrations and protests against President Ricardo Martinelli’s government continue in spite of the dissolution of the special sessions of the National Assembly.

Another mass march took place Wednesday June 20, protesting the attempt of the government to sell off its shares in joint ventures along with land in the Free Zone and the “imposition” of  a Fifth Chamber  of the Supreme Court with hand picked judges which would give the government sweeping powers to change the constitution and allow President Martinelli to seek another term in office.

Thousands  of members of  multiple civil society organizations students, doctors, politicians, trade unionists, indigenous people marched from the Parque Porras to the National Assembly, to protest what the "unwise" actions of the government.

This time there were  no  political party banners. The Front for Democracy protestors carried only the national flag.

Mariano Mena, a Front spokesman, said the crowd was a sign that the people say "No" to the impositions. 

"We are here to make sure that the President keep his word to remove the V Chamber  said a citizen participant

Silvia Carrera, director of the county Ngäbe Bugle, said her people will not let the government make fun of people.

Meanwile Martinelli,  said that a law was not necessary for the sale of state shares in electricity companies, as this possibility was established from the beginning, in the privatization contracts.

He said that this issue, as well as the sale of shares in Cable & Wireless, was sent to the Coalition for Development.

Minister of Economy and Finance, Frank De Lima, insisted that they should sell the stock because otherwise there would be budget cuts.