Anti government protests continue for 4th day

Demontrations against the Martinelli government continued across the country on Thursday June 21 and teachers formed a human chain in support of the education minister who failed to support the Fifth Chamber.

This time the opposition parties also got a tongue lashing. Saul Mendez who heads the construction and allied workers union, SUNTRACS said  “This is an open protest against the corrupt government of Ricardo Martinelli and against false opposition bonding"  he said.

In Panama city,  members of the National Front for the Defense of Economic and Social Rights (Frenadeso) conducted a protest march largely composed of Unions from all sectors and indigenous movements. They marche along the well trodden protest route fromm Parque Porras,  to Plaza 5 de Mayo,home of the National Assembly.

In addition to calling for the cancellation of the Supreme Court 5th Chamber Frenadeso also demanded a price  freeze for the basic food basket, the cessation of the persecution of union leaders and a resolution of the crime issue of the country," said Mendez.