Pacora buses halted as operators lose patience with authorities

Fifty transport operators in Pacora will not be carrying passengers on Monday,June 11 but heading in convoy to the area  headquarters of the Tranport Authority (ATTT).

The move is prompted by the high cost of diesel and late implementation of a promised discount, and  a delay in paping the local supplier.

Idaira De Leon, a spokeswoman for Pacora carriers, told RPC Radio that tomorrow, the operators expect to meet with the CEO of the ATTT, Juan Pablo Mora, to listen to their requests.

There are at least 50 buses, in Pacora, each doing an average of three to four trips to Panama and the a cost of $45 per round. De Leon said  that for 15 days the diesel dealer has not sold tax exonerated diesel  because the government owed ??around of $1.6 million dollars. She said that did the operators not receive a response from the authorities about  the service for residents of Pacora. "Do not say that we are imposing. We can’t take  it anymore," she said.