Government credibility rating $6.2%, Church 64.8

The most credible institution in Panama is the Catholic Church followed by the media and civil society organizations. The church scored with 64.8%

The government (6.2%) the Comptroller General  (3.6%) and the Supreme Court(2.5%) trail badly. The survey was prepared forLa Prensa by the  polling firm Unimer.

Two weeks ago, The Archbishop of Panama, José Domingo Ulloa, called on the political class, to stop the constant fighting between the president, Ricardo Martinelli and his political opponents. "If we are still in pre-campaign, I will be really scared of what will happen in  a campaign," he said. Martinelli said he  welcomed the call of Ulloa, but returned two days ago to attack his opponents, whom he called "bandits".

The survey was conducted from May, 17 to 20  and applied to 2009 people Its margin of error is 2.8

The church got a 64.8% credibility rating, the government 6.2%, the Comptroller General 3.6%, the Supreme Court  2.5% and the National Assembly 2%..Media clicked in at 25.5%,