Martinelli reacts to Archbishops message

Panama’s President, Ricardo Martinelli has reacted to a sharply worded message delivered publicly by Archbishop José Domingo Ulloa during the 42 nd  Eucharistic Celebration on  Sunday, May 13.

Referring to the climate of intolerance and confrontation that dominates the political scene, Ulloa told 20,000 people at the Rommel Fernandez Stadium that "anyone who thinks differently is not an enemy. Ideas are discussed as ideas and a nation is built by adding and subtracting, no other," He invited his listeners to promote and enrich the culture of citizen participation in national life.

“It is urgent to say enough to so many unnecessary anxieties, while there are big problems to solve … Panama deserves better days. "

He told the audience, It's time to leave "the wailing in the halls, streets and cafes, which serve only as amomentary catharsis." 

On Monday, Martinelli who is constantly referred to as autocratic or dictatrorial replied, via a press release.

'I will try to achieve to more consensuses from the Government ", he said but added that consensuses are not reached by  one party only, but  by everyone.

On the other hand, the President said Ulloa's message was “wise and timely. The metropolitan archbishop urged all Panamanians, especially the political class to finish all fights, confrontations, ambivalence and double standards.otherwise "we could kill our hopes."

Martinelli said " Differences of opinion and events are naturally beneficial … Howeversuch differences do not have to prevent us from working as a national team allowing tasks to keep Panama moving

“Also I have said that Government and Opposition politicians must set an example. "We have to acknowledge we have not been doing our greatest lately" he said.

Ulloa's statements came after the differences between Martinelli and vice president Juan Carlos Varela worsened ans Martinelli asked the elected vice president to resign/

"Let’s not in Panama, which belongs to us all, rule with  disqualification and the tyranny of silence, waiting for inert citizens reach the cliff of social disintegration" said the archbishop.

 That's how sharp was the message yesterday by Archbishop José Domingo Ulloa in the forty-second Eucharistic Quote Rommel Fernandez Stadium, with about 20 thousand people.

Referring to the climate of intolerance and confrontation that dominates the political country, Ulloa said that "anyone who thinks differently is not an enemy, the ideas are discussed with ideas and a nation is built by adding and subtracting no other," while invited to promote and enrich the culture of citizen participation in national life.

He said that "it is urgent to say enough! so many unnecessary anxieties, while there are big problems to solve … Panama deserves better days. "

He told people it's time to leave "the wailing in the halls, streets and cafes, which serve only momentary catharsis." "Either we are or are not of God. There can be no ambivalence, because today more than ever the world needs credible witnesses of God's love. No more double standards, no longer a living faith in the four walls of the temple ", said the prelate.

The archbishop's statement came after the public differences between Martinelli and Varela Vice President, and disclosure of “dirty”wedges " referring to the scandal of talleged commission payments to government officials.

The meeting was chaired by the Dominican Republic Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez, invited to officiate at the celebrations,  marking the beginning of the jubilee celebrations in 2013,  of the establishment of the first diocese on the mainland: Santa Maria La Antigua.